Lucy my German Pincher had oral surgery this week to remove a tumor. All went well and now we wait for the Biopsy results. The rest of the world is laughing at us because of the two guys running for President. You have Joe Biden a nice guy but up there in years and Donald Trump who should be in jail. We’re beginning to look like a bunch of idiots. We, and this is really what I can’t understand can’t find better candidates we have all these people in this country and this is the best we can do. One nice guy and one Hitler wannabe. I was born in 1946 so growing up World War 2 was still fresh in everybody’s mind. It seems that now either people don’t believe things like the holocaust ever happened or don’t care that they did. Racism which people had gone away or was under control is now getting out of control. If the American people elect Trump America will become a third world country with an idiot for a leader. You’ll get to see Russian troops at Trump’s inauguration and another thing you thought you’d never see in this lifetime. That’s it for us right now you can see us on our daily videos on YouTube. This is FATS and LUCY saying CIAO from Medellin, Colombia.


February 18, 2024

I asked if the Republicans were smart. Maybe they are and are just hiding it. If they were truly smart they would dump Trump and support Nickey. Now she might not be as extreme as they want but I think she could win and frankly, anybody would be better than Trump. I think if they really want to win the presidency, she’s the way to go. I think Trump won’t make it to the general election and I’m not sure Biden will either. This is going to be the most screwed-up election ever if they let these two geriatrics run against each other. It would be fun to watch until one of them wins then it will be one crisis after another. I think if we can have two different candidates running there might not be any blood she, but as of now with these two. The possibility of a Civil War is very strong. I don’t think Kamala is the answer for the Dems but they need to start looking NOW. This is FATS and LUCY saying CIAO from Medellin Colombia.

It’s been a while since I was here I had some serious computer problems. My desktop was damaged in a move and became useless. I was forced into buying a new one which meant installing Linux mint 23.1. I had a terrible time I did something wrong and lost all my passwords and a lot of other stuff before I got it 98% done. I should be OK now but we shall see. Today is Super Bowl Sunday 100 million people in the US will watch it on TV others who ar either rich or crazy will pay 10,000 dollars to go to the game. I have seen everyone and actually had tickets to one, but I sold the tickets on the plain out there and spent the weekend in Vegas. That game was one with the Giants and was at the Orange Bowl in California. If you know the Orange Bowl, you have to go all the way down and find a restroom. So I was happy to get up from the card table and only walk a little. I have seen some great football and some boring football. I think the best game was the 49ers vs the Bengals, but it is only rated like no 5 overall. I have reached the age where the possibility that this will be my last one is quite real I hope for a great game it just might be the last one on free TV. This has been JEFF and LUCY saying CIAO from Medellin Colombia.