May 21, 2023

Hi, for those of you that have read my blog or are just now stopping I started this when I first came to Colombia 14 years ago. I called it because it was about my cat Flounder and our travels around Colombia. Four years ago Flounder passed away, he was twenty years old. My Labradoodle dog Antonia was already here. This past Thursday Antonia died suddenly. The doctor said it looked like poison. She might have eaten something or been bitten by something. Antonia had spent Mother’s Day with our family she played with the Grand Kids and was happy as could be. Monday morning she seemed fine. We went for our normal walk and when we returned she wouldn’t eat or drink. Finally, in the night she ate. Tuesday she would only eat a cookie and didn’t want to get up. Wednesday she couldn’t move and started to lose control of her bladder. The doctor arrived in the afternoon and said he had to take her to the hospital. She died while we were on our way to see her on Thursday morning. I need a pet to make me exercise and get out of the house. So, although this might seem harsh yesterday I adopted a mutt and named her Lucy. She’s three years old and as far as I can see had never seen trees or grass until this morning. She has many of the traits of Antonia and if I didn’t know better I say Antonia was coaching her. I’m going to put her picture up here soon and will try to write more about her as she grows. This is FATS and LUCY saying CHOW from Medellin, Colombia.

You know I do a thing called Three For Free on YouTube everyday. The last week I did obscure Blues artists. Today, however I did George Harrison and that got me thinking, what would George and John think about the world now. I would like to think that if they had stayed around a little longer maybe this place wouldn’t be so fucked up now. Having Martin along wouldn’t hurt either. These people were truly caring people that , although they cold be classified as old Hippies, had some really good ideas. They spread their message all over the world and young and old listened. There aren’t a lot of people out there today that can say that. There messages were all of peace and love not violence. I remember when they shot John, it seemed as if the world stood still and cried, I know I did. What has happened to us, that has made us lose hope and direction. Where did all this hate come from. How did we pick leaders that had no idea how to lead. I don’t have any answers to these questions. I, like you can only sit and watch and wonder will we survive. I think we had a great chance back in the day and we blew it. I got nothing else today. Be sure to catch me live on YouTube live tomorrow night at 8pm daylight savings time or 7pm standard. You can also check out my three for free everyday as well as posted videos on YouTube. This has been FATS and Antonia saying CIAO from Medellin, Colombia.


May 12, 2024

Well today is mothers day 2024 hope your spending the day with yours. My mom passed away a few years ago and not a day goes by that I don’t regret spending more time with her.I still think she could of taught me more about life and I definitely could if used her advice. That’s the thing about life you reach a point where you think you got it all figured out and then you realize she was right and you reach for the phone and realize she’s not there anymore. I hope all of you have a great relation with your parents and that they are still around for you to talk to. I have only have one Niece and and two great nephews left in my blood family. I have a large family form my wife’s side and believe it when I say they are really great. but having my mom and my big brother around would be really great. it’s like that old saying you never know what you have till it’s gone. everybody have a wonderful day give everybody a big hug and a kiss till next time this is JEFF and Lucy saying CIAO from Medellin Colombia.


May 5, 2024

Sorry, there hasn’t been a post in a while. WordPress decided I didn’t have an account, but now I’m here. it appears while I was screwin around that Trump is still up to his old tricks people think he might go to jail and I’ll tell you right now I don’t think so he might be found guilty but the logistics of locking up an ex-President will more than likely keep him from actually going to jail. I must admit I was so looking forward to seeing him in an orange jumpsuit. I dare say if there’s anybody I know that deserves to be in jail it’s him. We all know he has committed some crime if not this one. He has a complete disdain for law and order.I forget what movie or TV show I saw where the bad guy tells the arresting officers that he’s not worried because rich people don’t go to jail. If they have the balls to actually put him in jail people’s respect for the justice system and the government in general would rise immensely. We’ll just have to wait and see if this will turn into another oj fiasco. This is LUCY and JEFF saying CIAO from Medellin Colombia.

On Monday Trump will become the first president or ex-President to stand trial for a criminal offense. He could also become the first convicted candidate running for the President. The fact that this is going on shows the contempt that the Republican Party holds this country in. Something like this should never happen, but it is. The politicians in this country are now making us the laughingstock of the world. What will make it even worse is if Trump is acquitted, if he is he will most certainly win the election and democracy will disappear from Webster’s dictionary. He will make it a crime to talk bad about him, and lying will become the norm. He might even get immunity from the Supreme Court for future and past crimes. the problem with that is so will all past and future Presidents and I,m not sure he really wants that because he won’t be able to lock up any of them. Somehow a Real estate Hack will have all the power in the country. This might just prove that Democracy can be a real pain in the ass at times. this has been JEJJ and LUCY saying CIAO from Medellin, Colombia.

Well, I went to look for my last post and nothing is there. that was shocking but I’ll get over it. Trump is driving another business into the toilet, but that should surprise no one he’s, an expert at destroying things. Marg is losing what is left of her mind and again this should surprise no one. Trump sues two of the founders of Truth Social, saying they weren’t running the company well. Donald was the sole contributor or at least I thought he was. but as per usual whatever happens is never his fault. You, know if he wasn’t running for dictator he would d make a great comedian. How can other countries take us seriously when our politicians look like a bunch of simpletens. That’s it for me and Lucy we will return next Sunday. CIAO till then from LUCY and JEFF in Medellin, Colombia.


March 24, 2024

Well, it’s been a while but between new software and issues with the site, hopefully, I got it all under control now. The big story will be tomorrow when Trump has to come up with a bond for half a billion dollars or the New York DA starts sizing property. I know this isn’t a good thing to wish for, but I think he needs to know how it feels when someone takes your stuff. He has been bullying people out of property and money his whole life no the shoe is on the other foot. Not only that I just read that Scotland wants to investigate the Trump family. I don’t know about what yet but I will be watching this very closely. I am really sorry that I was unable to post for so long but if I’m not here you can check for videos on Blogger, Tumblr, and Facebook. I’m trying to figure out how to do videos on my version of Word press so maybe you‘ll be seeing them shortly. This has been LUCY and FATS saying CIAO for now from Medellin Colombia.

Lucy my German Pincher had oral surgery this week to remove a tumor. All went well and now we wait for the Biopsy results. The rest of the world is laughing at us because of the two guys running for President. You have Joe Biden a nice guy but up there in years and Donald Trump who should be in jail. We’re beginning to look like a bunch of idiots. We, and this is really what I can’t understand can’t find better candidates we have all these people in this country and this is the best we can do. One nice guy and one Hitler wannabe. I was born in 1946 so growing up World War 2 was still fresh in everybody’s mind. It seems that now either people don’t believe things like the holocaust ever happened or don’t care that they did. Racism which people had gone away or was under control is now getting out of control. If the American people elect Trump America will become a third world country with an idiot for a leader. You’ll get to see Russian troops at Trump’s inauguration and another thing you thought you’d never see in this lifetime. That’s it for us right now you can see us on our daily videos on YouTube. This is FATS and LUCY saying CIAO from Medellin, Colombia.


February 18, 2024

I asked if the Republicans were smart. Maybe they are and are just hiding it. If they were truly smart they would dump Trump and support Nickey. Now she might not be as extreme as they want but I think she could win and frankly, anybody would be better than Trump. I think if they really want to win the presidency, she’s the way to go. I think Trump won’t make it to the general election and I’m not sure Biden will either. This is going to be the most screwed-up election ever if they let these two geriatrics run against each other. It would be fun to watch until one of them wins then it will be one crisis after another. I think if we can have two different candidates running there might not be any blood she, but as of now with these two. The possibility of a Civil War is very strong. I don’t think Kamala is the answer for the Dems but they need to start looking NOW. This is FATS and LUCY saying CIAO from Medellin Colombia.

It’s been a while since I was here I had some serious computer problems. My desktop was damaged in a move and became useless. I was forced into buying a new one which meant installing Linux mint 23.1. I had a terrible time I did something wrong and lost all my passwords and a lot of other stuff before I got it 98% done. I should be OK now but we shall see. Today is Super Bowl Sunday 100 million people in the US will watch it on TV others who ar either rich or crazy will pay 10,000 dollars to go to the game. I have seen everyone and actually had tickets to one, but I sold the tickets on the plain out there and spent the weekend in Vegas. That game was one with the Giants and was at the Orange Bowl in California. If you know the Orange Bowl, you have to go all the way down and find a restroom. So I was happy to get up from the card table and only walk a little. I have seen some great football and some boring football. I think the best game was the 49ers vs the Bengals, but it is only rated like no 5 overall. I have reached the age where the possibility that this will be my last one is quite real I hope for a great game it just might be the last one on free TV. This has been JEFF and LUCY saying CIAO from Medellin Colombia.

What will it take to shut him up? I don’t know he was just fined 83 million dollars. The problem facing the US and the world right now is if he wins he will create crisis after crisis to steal money. All his lawyers can forget about getting paid and anyone else he owes money to. Donald Trump is nothing more than a fat, orange-haired con man who is a Hitler wanna-be. He tries to scare us with the threat of civil war if he loses but you can almost guarantee one if he wins. That fat bastard wouldn’t be where he is now if it wasn’t for America and its Democracy and its constitution. You know the one he wants to rewrite so he can become king. Think about that and remember all the young men who died in all the wars protecting Democracy just so this fat turd could come along and tear it all down. I’m old so I won’t be around to suffer this asshole too long, but I would like to live long enough to see him either do a perp walk or be dragged through the streets to be stoned to death. I would really like someone to explain to me how a fat orange-haired man can have so much influence on a country that’s supposed to be full of smart people. The more I look at this the more I’m coming to believe that we won’t be able to avoid violence this time around. This is JEFF and his sad friend LUCY saying CIA from Medellin Colombia.


January 21, 2024

I had a birthday this week my 78th to be exact and I wonder like Nicky Haley why would want two 80 year old’s running for President of the United States. This was the thing that they got right this week. If you watch the news the Republicans get more like Trump every day. Just look at the speaker of the house. He’s like a contestant on the Apprentice TV show, if he doesn’t agree with you, your fired. That’s what they’re trying to do now. They are pissed Jordan didn’t shut the government down so now they want him kicked out of office. First, the fact that they’re willing to shut the government down rather than sit down and try to come to some sort of compromise shows they aren’t working for us, like they’re supposed to, but rather for their own selfish interests. This shows that 80-year-olds are too old to be president when they let their minions control the part that they are supposed to be leading. I remember learning that the Congress and the Senate were places where our representatives could meet and discuss our needs and ideas, not a place where whats for lunch and how much I make if we passed this bill. The fact that the country is upset with this gives an Idiot like Trump a chance to do away with the Democracy that so many Americans have died for in just my lifetime. People think he will make America great again when in reality by the time they realize they are wrong they won’t have the right to complain. This has been the opinion of JEFF and LUCY now saying CIAO from Medellin Colombia.