October 29, 2023

Well they caught or I should say found the latest mass shooter. He was dead from a self inflected gunshot wound. I’ve often wondered why these guys find it necessary to go around and kill a bunch of people before they shoot themselves. I’ve heard one theory is that when they’re done they are so distraught by what they have done they take their own lives. That would make a little sense. Going out with the plan to kill a bunch of people, many of whom they don’t even know, and then kill themselves makes no sense to me at all. His choice of weapon and ammunition would suggest he wanted a confrontation with law enforcement, but he ran. I am not a shrink and I doubt a shrink could give you a reason that made any kind of sense for what his guy did. Many years ago I broke up with a woman and considered suicide, but after giving it some thought said NAW. This guy according to people who were there had a plan to kill a bunch of people and then run away, I think that since he went to two different places tat he was looking for his ex to kill her. One thing I know is that no reason’s going to make it OK for the victim’s relatives. It will never make any sense to anyone, but it will make for a TV Doc. And fodder for all those shrinks out there as they try to come up with an answer. I’m glad he’s dead if they had captured him it would have cost taxpayers millions to keep him alive. I’m not one of those people that needs to know why these guys do this stuff I‘m just glad he’s dead. This is FATS and LUCY saying CIAO from Medellin, Colombia.

Lucy and I were out walking this morning and a thought entered my mind. Has there ever been an age of peace? I mean we’ve had the Bronze Age, Stone Age, etc. so have we ever had the Peace Age. The answer so far I can see is no. so it would seem that the wars that are going on now are more or less normal everyday stuff for the human race. Not a great look for a world that likes to think of the future. This was something that helped bring forward the Hippy movement a movement that I’m happy to say I’m still a follower of. It amazes me after reading all the history we were required to in school that the human race is still standing. If you are a believer of the Bible you can see we have reached the point of no return. Do you believe that or are you more of an optimist? People tell me I’m a pessimist. I like to think of myself more as a realist. That means I think that if change we will survive but if we keep going in the direction we are going without significant change the human race won’t be here in 10 years. Humans have a problem when it comes to choosing leadership. We seem to always look for the perfect choice but can never reach a consensus on what that perfect choice is. I don’t have to go into great detail about our choices history will explain better than me. Do I think there will come a time when we all get along maybe, but not in my lifetime. It’s going to take something great and special to bring mankind together permanently. As of now, I don’t believe it can happen. Now I guess my friends are going to say see he is a pessimist. This FATS and his walking companion LUCY saying CIAO from Medellin, Colombia.

About 80 years ago the UN split the area of Gaza into two entities, Palestine and Israel. They have been pissed off ever since. I can’t remember there ever being full peace in the area and the US had nothing to do with it at the start it was the British and then the UN that started this mess. The Christians blame the Jews and the Jews blame the Christians. The reality is either they are both to blame or neither is to blame. I don’t think that until time travel is invented we’ll know for sure. Religious difference has been responsible for millions of deaths in the world. The situation is getting out of control because now you throw in jealousy and greed and have a cocktail for the world’s destruction. You know the age-old question “ Why can’t we all just get along?”. Well, this is kind of the explanation. You remember the “ My dad can kick your dad’s ass” playground routine in grade school. Well now you have a group of adults with Nuclear weapons standing around saying the same shit, and you thought being an adult made people smarter. If people took the time to see how much could be accomplished if we cut this bullshit out maybe, and that’s a big maybe, we could have a world where we built hospitals for our elderly and not Nuclear Bombs to destroy everyone. This is FATS and LUCY saying CIAO from Medellin, Colombia.

As the title says the shit has really hit the fan. The Palestinians invaded Israel now comes the biggest moment in Biden’s political career. He must make decisions involving where we put our support and how much we give. You have the Ukraine on one side and the Israelis on the other each one of those involves many other countries on both sides. Add to that the complete chaos in Congress caused by the MAGA’s Republicans and you have a recipe for the shit hitting the fan. Now as you know if you want answers and solutions this is not the blog for you I just give opinions of my own. Right now the only idea I have is that we could be really fucked. From a military-political point of view would would be a bad idea to get really involved. We need to get a negotiated deal as fast as we can. That doesn’t seem likely the way all parties are talking right now. Also, take into account that the invaders are supported by all our enemies, and our position is not supported by all our friends or even all members of our Government. So what are we to do? Well, if I had the answer to that I could become emperor of the world. No matter what we do things are never going to be the same, that could be a good thing. Biden may not be your choice for President but having one of the Maga’s or Trump in charge would see the end of this country as we know it and it wouldn’t be a good thing. Unfortunately, neutrality in this situation is not a choice we can make. So hold on to your self this is going to be a rough week. This is FATS and LUCY saying CIAO from Medellin, Colombia.


October 1, 2023

Well, they aren’t going to shut down the government for 45 days but now Gaetz wants to oust McCarthy. This self serving moron has his own problems but wants to gain control of the house. This is a Trump style move to ward off his possible ouster. One thing you should be very aware of is that this is the most do nothing congress ever. If these people that we put in office don’t stop the Bull shit and start getting something done, then this could very well be the end of Democracy. If it is nothing will change they still won’t be able to get anything done but it will allow criminals to run the Government. You won’t have free speech or free press. No one will be looking out for your rights, crime won’t rise because there won’t be laws. If you can get unbiased information you will be able to see crazy people taking revenge on those who they think have wronged them. In Trump’s case, that’s all of Congress and the Justice system. I’m willing to bet that Trump will welcome Russian and Chinese troops to our shores and we will have to fight on our own land to protect our rights if we want them. You think this can’t happen look at the idiots you’ve elected to govern you. Look at the people that you want to lead us. You want to know why we’ve never been contacted by aliens.? They’re not crazy enough to get involved. They’ve been around longer and they know how this will end. Sound crazy I sure hope it is but it doesn’t look good. This I FATS and LUCY saying CIAO from Medellin, Colombia.